Archive for May 4, 2009

Boot Camp Rained Out

suitcase-couverture1I think this is one of many differences we will find between “real boot camp” and “fitness boot camp.” It’s too bad, because I lost a lot of sleep last night worrying about our first day. Oh well.

In happier news, I cleaned out my closet yesterday. How does this relate to Recession Diet? For one thing, I read someplace (I’d link it, but I don’t remember where) that getting rid of clutter helps you get rid of weight without even trying. I like this idea, and I can see where itĀ COULD work, although I haven’t seen evidence of it in my life so far. Still, I figure it couldn’t hurt.

The more important part of this rehaul was to get rid of stuff that doesn’t fit me. A lot of it, I’m tossing (and by “tossing,” I mean “giving to Goodwill,” or “selling on consignment”). There are several things, however, that I really like, but are too tight … not obscenely tight, just 5 pounds or so too tight.

I thought this might be a cool way to see if boot camp really does make a difference, so I put these clothes in a rarely-used suitcase and stashed it under my bed. If, in two months, the clothes still don’t fit, I’m just going to toss them. But here’s hoping I can reclaim that part of my wardrobe (including my favorite jeans).

For now, it’s nice to know that I can actually wear everything that’s hanging in my closet. No more trying on a favorite skirt to find it doesn’t fit. No more realizing almost too late that my blazer is missing a button. No more running across that shirt that I hate but held onto because it was a gift. That stuff is now in my suitcase, in a mending pile, and in a Goodwill bag, respectively.

A lot of magazines say to throw out your “fat clothes” once you lose weight, so you don’t have a chance to grow back into them. I think this is good advice, but I’m doing them one better: What’s the point of having to stare every day at a pair of jeans I can’t wear yet? Maybe it’s better that they’re out of sight, out of mind, and ready for me to grab them in a month or two when they actually fit again.

May 4, 2009 at 3:26 pm Leave a comment


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